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The French scientist in charge of their SuperDARN radar on Kerguelen Island wanted somebody to go down and help him with some maintenance. After a brief struggle to resist returning to the Southern polar regions I agreed to go. Kerguelen - where s that? Kerguelen is a group of islands in the Indian Ocean.

Madala veresuhkru taset alandavad tooted

MyMemory is the world s largest Translation Memory. It has been created collecting TMs from the European Union and United Nations, and aligning the best domain-specific multilingual websites.

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The purpose of the time-limited wage subsidy scheme is to help increase your chances of getting a job. You will be employed on ordinary terms of pay and employment in a full-time or part-time position, and your employer will receive a subsidy towards.
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Define heterosexual. heterosexual synonyms, heterosexual pronunciation, heterosexual translation, English dictionary definition of heterosexual. adj. 1. Sexually oriented to persons of the opposite sex. 2. Of or relating to different sexes. n. A heterosexual person. n a person who is sexually.
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‘Die dag as die Bos tot niet is, is julle soos miere waarvan die nes uitmekaargeskop is. Al verskil is dat miere weer kan nes maak, maar julle.
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Entrepreneurskap en die ontwikkeling van die privaat sektor is een van die kernoplossings wat deur ekonome en scenariobeplanners voorgestel word as ononderhandelbaar om Suid-Afrika mededingend te hou en om sy belangrikheid as rolspeler in die wêreldekonomie te verseker.
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af Maar die “Kodansha Encyclopedia of Japan” sê dat Seisjoe Hanaoka (1760-1835) ’n verdowingsmiddel voorberei het wat “mafoetsoesan” genoem is deur “ses eenvoudige kruie.

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