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Vere suhkrusisaldus mmol, mis on konverteeritud mg-ks

p. 92. CHAPTER XII THE ORIGIN OF TURF MAZES. IN 1858—the year in which Archdeacon Trollope published the results of his researches—Capt. W. H. Mounsey drew attention to the description in a Welsh history book ("Drych y Prif Oesoedd," published in 1740) of a curious custom formerly prevalent among the Welsh shepherds.

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St Andrews Corpus texts. Aakheperka, weapon-bearer of Tuthmosis I [hiero; eng; translit] Abydos stela of Tuthmosis I [hiero; eng; translit] Ahmose Pen-Nekhbet, Inscriptions of [hiero; eng; translit].

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January ig68 Volume XXIII Number i LIFEMENNONITE CONTRIBUTORS JOHANNES HARDER is writer, lecturer, and pro­ fessor at the Pardagogischc Akademie, Wuppertal.
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3 nov. 2016 11, Liik, Tootja, Toode, Päritolumaa, Suhkrusisaldus, g 100 ml kohta naturaalne kofeiin (26 mg/100 ml); vitamiinid; säilitusained - kaaliumsorbaat, 1.69, 50% aloe vera (sh 12% aloe vera viljaliha), vesi, suhkur, happesuse .
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FELLOWSHIPOF CATHOLIC SCHOLARS I II I_LEIna VOLUME 5, NUMBER 2 MARCH 1982 Letter from Father William B. Smith This March, the Fellowship of Catholic Scholars will sponsor its fifth annual convention. By most standards, five years is a small milestone but our large - and largely successful - purpose is, I think, verified in the theme and content of this convention. Our purpose is to bring.
-> Toitumine diabeediga patsientidel
such word in Ecclesiastes is the Hebrew word koheleth `The Preacher'. The Greek title of the book `Ecclesiastes' is The Greek title of the book `Ecclesiastes' is nearer to the meaning of the Hebrew koheleth than is the rendering `The Preacher', for the word koheleth speaks.
-> Diabeedi korral muutuvad käte küüned laineliseks.
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